Latest price list for rose lighting product (cob led strip -pixel led strip- Normal rgb &RGBW led strip-dmx512 led strip -led control-led power )
price list of Solder-free joint (used for led strip-nonwaterproof and waterproof optional)
solderless joints price list from rose lighting.xlsx
price list of led shell covering Price for led wall washer -linear led bar ,ect
led shell covering price list.xlsx
Pricelist for MLighting led controller
milight led controller --english catalog.xlsx
Pricelist for SP series led controller
SP Series Controllers Pricelist-2023-7-31.xls
Price list for Silicone tube(used for led strip)
2023 Rose Lighting Silicone tube price -2023-07-31.xls
Price list for the led aluminium profile (used for led strip mainly)
price list for pixel led bar
pixel led linear bar price list -rose lighting.pdf
if you need VIP price ---donot hesitate to contact with us for bulk order please